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Q: Why football is a supporting friction?
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Is tennis a friction supporting game?

yes friction is supporting

What would a game of soccer be like with friction?

Friction is essential for Walking and other movement. So obviously it is of paramount importance in football. Without friction, A player can't grip the ball, the ground pr other players. Running, which is the base of football, doesnt exist without friction. Hence, no friction = no football.

How does sliding friction effect football?

first you ejaculate onto the football, rub it around in your hands a bit and slide it across a smooth floor and WA LA you have sliding friction on a football XD

What is friction bearing?

A friction bearing is a solid bearing that directly supports the end of an axle. Friction is when the bearing and the joint are running together.

Is there high or low friction on a football boots?

first they are called cleats not boots and they dont have friction.

What is CARSI best known for supporting?

CARSI is best known for supporting the Besiktas Football Club in Turkey. They are seen in the stands at football matches and known for their chants and songs.

What forces are used when a football is kicked?

gravity and friction.

What country has the highest proportion of its population supporting football?


Why is friction helpful in football?

because it kills dinasaurs everywhere

Why football players use studds(friction)?

The studs help to avoid the football player from slipping on the damp turf when playing a game of football.

How is friction harmful while playing football in paragraph?

Friction can be harmful while playing football as it can lead to skin abrasions, blisters, and discomfort when running or changing directions quickly. Excessive friction between the football and the playing surface can also affect ball control and passing accuracy. Additionally, friction between players during physical contact can increase the risk of injuries such as sprains or strains.

List some games where friction is either supporting or opposing the games?

in lego star wars there is a cheat that turns friction off called "ice ring"indiana jonesbatman