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Absolutely not. A salary cap is communist.The "stated" benefit for a salary cap is that it distributes the talent more evenly across the league, and thereby prevents one team winning the championship over and over. But it doesn't work that way. The NFL has a salary cap, and the Patriots have dominated for the last few years. The NBA had a salary cap while the Bulls were a dynasty.

MLB has NO salary cap, but there is no one dominant team. In the last 6 seasons, 6 different teams (Cardinals, White Sox, Red Sox, Marlins, Angels, and Diamondbacks) have won the World Series. Of these 6 teams, 2 of them (Marlins and Diamondbacks) did not even exist 11 years before their championship. Two teams (Angels and Diamondbacks) had NEVER won a World Series, or even a League championship. Two teams (White Sox and Red Sox) had not won a World Series in over 85 years. Only 1 teams (Marlins) had one a World Series at any time in the last 20 years. Only one team (Cardinals) even played in the World Series more than once during those 6 years.

In addition, there were 4 other teams that appeared in, but did not win, a World Series during those 6 years - the Tigers, Astros, Yankees, and Giants. Only the Yankees appeared more than once, losing both times. The Tigers hadn't played in a World Series in 22 years. The Astros had NEVER played in the World Series in their 43-year history. The Giants hadn't won a World Series in 49 years and hadn't played in one in 13 years.

Among those teams who won the World Series in the last 6 years, the average length of time since their last World Series win is 41.5 years. This number is artificially low because, for the Angels and Diamondbacks, who had their FIRST World Series win during this time, I cannot use more than 41 and 4 years, respectively, since that is the length of time they had been in existence. If you throw those two teams out, the average span is 51 years. That is impressive, because there are only 30 teams in MLB. This means that, ON AVERAGE, a team will win the World Series every 30 years.

The average number of previous World Series wins among these 6 teams is 3.3. Compared to an average of 3.1 for ALL major league teams through the 2000 season. But that average is based on the current 30 teams. Since the World Series began in 1909, the number of teams in MLB has, for the most part, been far less than 30. I'm guessing it averages about 25, meaning that the adjusted average among all teams is 3.7 World Series wins. And the last 6 World Series Champions averaged just 3.3 previous wins.

Compute some of these numbers for the last 6 Super Bowl or NBA champions. You will see that "dyanasties" are a much bigger problem in these sports, even though they have salary caps and Baseball does not.

By the way, baseball does have a "luxury tax", which is kinda sorta similar to a salary cap. MLB sets a "maximum" total salary for the teams, but the teams don't HAVE to abide by that maximum. If they exceed it, however, they have to pay a percentage of the amount by which they exceed the maximum. I don't really like this, but it's a whole lot better than the salary cap.



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Many of the major sporting franchise have introduces a financial cap on spending and teams player budget. Major League Baseball has not instituted a cap because there are currently letting the owners be responsible for their financial obligations.

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