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The hair on one's head grows from the scalp. The scalp has definite edges that do not reach the ears, just as they do not reach the eyebrows.

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Q: Why doesn't hair grow behind the ears?
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Where on his head would grandpa grow hair but grandma swear she doesnt?

Grandpa would grow hair on his chin, while Grandma might claim she doesn't grow hair on her upper lip (mustache area).

Does trimming make hair grow faster?

no its doesnt

Does shampoo make hair grow?

Shampoo doesnt make your hair grow or prevent it. stimulation of the root help your hair grow. So as your washing your hair and your scrubbing your scalp that's what help your hair grow.

Why does hair grow in your ears?

Hair will grow in your ears because it acts as a buffer that protects them. Without these hairs you would suffer from far worse damage due to loud noises and insects.

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It most likely will but if it doesnt dont get worried It most likely will but if it doesnt dont get worried

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That is called the bridlepath.

When cutting hair behind the horses ears its called?

The bridle path.

Does hair color effect hair growth?

No it doesnt your hair will grow about 1/2 inch a month

Why does your hair grow unevenly?

hair can grow unevenly due to sleeping on only one side of your head. ...if you normally wake up on your right side, your hair doesnt grow.

Does hair grow everywhere on?

No it does not, for one it does not grow on your eye balls, and two it doesnt grow on your palm. Submitted from your friend, Ashley:)

Does butter help your hair growth?

nahh bro it doesnt have any of the chemicals needed to grow hair.

What is it called when you shave a section of hair right behind your horses ears?

bridle path