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The simple answer to this is that the rubber ball is more 'elastic' than the tennis ball and, assuming they are both dropped from the same height onto the same surface, the tennis ball 'loses' more energy than the rubber ball when it strikes the surface the ball is bouncing off.

Of course no energy is truly ever lost but rather it is transferred or converted into other forms, in this case the energy will be converted into thermal energy (as the balls deform upon striking the surface due to friction within the materials), sound (the noise you hear when the ball strikes the surface) and to varying extents energy is transferred to the surface which the balls are striking.

This energy 'loss' is the reason why the balls do not return to the height the balls were dropped from originally and the amount of energy 'loss' will vary with the type of ball dropped.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Rubber will bounce higher than plastic because the rubber has more elastic qualities. A rubber ball will give a little when it hits the floor and a plastic ball will not.

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What will bounce higher then a rubber ball?

A superball or a bouncy ball with higher elasticity than a rubber ball would likely bounce higher due to their ability to store and release more kinetic energy upon impact.

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No, bounce balls are typically made of rubber or plastic, so they are denser than water and will sink rather than float.

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The rubber ball would bounce higher than the wooden ball when dropped at the same height. Rubber is an elastic material that can store and release more energy upon impact compared to wood, resulting in a higher bounce.

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Glass balls tend to bounce higher than rubber balls due to their density and hardness. Glass balls have less energy loss upon impact because they are rigid and less deformable compared to rubber balls. This allows glass balls to retain more of their original kinetic energy during the bounce, resulting in a higher bounce height.

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Because the plastic ball has higher potential while the soccer ball has not.

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Small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls because they are made from materials with higher elasticity, allowing them to store and release more energy during impact. Their size and lightweight also contribute to their increased bounce height as they experience less air resistance.

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Which would bounce higher a golf ball a rubber ball or ping pong ball?

A rubber ball would generally bounce higher than a golf ball or a ping pong ball due to its elasticity and ability to store and release energy upon impact. Ping pong balls, being lightweight and hollow, can also bounce quite high but may not have the same level of bounce as a rubber ball. Golf balls are designed for low bounce as they are meant to stay on the ground when hit.

Does a glass ball bounce higher tha a rubber ball?

No, a rubber ball usually bounces higher than a glass ball due to the difference in elasticity between the two materials. Rubber is more elastic and capable of storing and releasing more energy during impact, which allows it to bounce higher. Glass is brittle and absorbs more of the impact energy, resulting in lower bounce height.

Does rubber bounce higher than leather?

It all depends on how much air there is inside, where you bounce it, and how you bounce it. Well if there were same amount of air, bounced on the same surface and with the same power, a rubber ball would bounce higher. But that doesn't mean a rubber basketball is simply better. People certainly would choose a leather basketball, because it looks better and has a better quality, and can last longer if played indoors. If you were looking for which is better, I would say that's totally upto you, whether you play indoors (a leather ball would be heaps better), or outdoors (a rubber ball is much better in this case). But if you were looking for which bounced higher, it is definitely rubber. This is because a rubber cover is harder than a leath covering. When something is harder, this allows to put more pressure when the ball hits the floor. This causes the ball to bounce higher.