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It is a primitive instinct that is leftover from our caveman days. Simply put light = fire = life eg heat, food etc

Our eyes are naturally drawn to light for these reasons.

Of course it has other benefits such as stress relief.

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Q: Why does it help to look up and gaze into space?
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Sign up 4 class a guy was gaze at me up n down with a nice look while i was return my paper wrk my gma said After he spot ha caught him gaze he put his head down what that meams?

Maybe that he likes you

What other words mean look?

gaze, observe, peek, watch, survey, inspect, glance, squint, glimpse, stare, look it up on an online thesaurus if in doubt :)

What word is used to describe looking up at something?

To look up at something could be to gaze up, or to stare up at. There are many but all you have to do is use a word that is better than looking.

How can you see into space?

look up

Who came up with the male gaze?

Laura Mulvey

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a space suit is made up of metal and is shiny........!....!!

Why was a telescope created?

to gaze up at stars and record movement.

How many rockets help the space shuttle blast off into space?

whats up

Where can you talk to Corbin Bleu?

you look up his name on my space and you click chat if your having problems with that then email me @ and be sure to put your namer so i can help you!! thanks

What is Orientation of satellite in space is called?

look up almanac and empheris

What agency was created by the US to try to catch up with space exploration?

NASA was created to help the US 'catch up' to Russia in the space race.

How do you find the shape of space?

uhm, you look up. -.- no, i dont think there is a shape.