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Q: Why does baseball need static balance?
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What is a static balance in gymnastics?

A static balance is something you hold e.g. handtand

How would describe static balance?

A static balance is where you put the wheel weight on the inside of the rim only instead of on both sides.

What type of wheel balance is measured with the wheel stationary?

That is static balance, basic, but not as important as dynamic balance.

What is the differnece between static and dynamic balance?

Static balance refers to the ability to maintain an upright position while stationary, such as when standing still. Dynamic balance, on the other hand, involves the ability to maintain stability and control while in motion, such as walking or running. Both types of balance are important for overall stability and coordination.

What is the aim of static electricity?

The aim of static electricity is to achieve balance of electric charges. Objects become charged when they gain or lose electrons, resulting in static electricity buildup. This can lead to attraction or repulsion between objects, as they seek to balance their charges.

Which part of your ear is related to your sense of equilibrium or balance?

two types of balance are there,STATIC balance and DYNAMIC balance.dynamic balance,that is during movement,is maintained by the SPECIAL HAIR CELLS in the 3 semicircular canals present in internal ear[or LABYRINTH] WHILE STATIC balance is maintained by the SACCULUS $ UTRICULUS,, also the part of labyrinth.

What is need of static method?

If you need to access a method without creating an object of corresponding class, it need to be a static method.

What part of the inner ear is involved in perceiving static balance?

The utricle and saccule, which are parts of the vestibule in the inner ear, are involved in perceiving static balance. They contain structures called otolith organs that detect changes in head position and help maintain upright posture.

When does static friction applies?

Static friction applies when an object is stationary or not moving. It prevents the object from sliding or moving when a force is applied to it. Static friction helps to maintain balance and stability for objects in rest.

For what hostsdevices would you still need static addresses?

for what hosts devices would you still need static addresses

At what age do you start practicing static balance?

Static balance development typically begins shortly after birth as babies gradually gain the ability to hold their head steady, sit up, and eventually stand on their own. It is a fundamental aspect of physical development that continues to improve through childhood and into adulthood. Practicing static balance exercises regularly can further enhance stability and coordination at any age.

What are some of the abilites needed to play shortstop in baseball?

you would need speed, hand eye coordination and balance