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Well three steps is a travel. Maybe the officials didn't see the third step, they probably were not in a good angle, etc. But 3 steps are definitely a travel.

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Q: Why does a basketball require three referees?
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Does referees in basketball have to be men?

No, both men and women can be referees in basketball

What is the umpires job in basketball?

There are not umpires in Basketball but there are referees. The referees are in charge of making sure the game is played correctly such as calling fouls, when needed.

Who are the 3 officials in basketball and what do they do?

Referee, umpire, timekeeper, scorekeeper. Referee usually is the one that starts the jump ball.

Who officiates the game of basketball?


Who are the officials of basketball?

The Refferees

Who are the officials in charge of a basketball match?


How many referee should a basketball game have?

The official number of referees in an NBA game or collegiate basketball is 3. The referees are the officers in charge of a basketball game and the final decision lies within their power.

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How many referees are in an NCAA college football game?

College basketball games generally have three officials. They is officially one referee and two umpires and the lead referee is referred to as the crew chief.

Who officiates basketball?

Yes, a typical organized game of basketball has 2 or 3 officials, or more commonly referred to as referees. They call fouls or violations on players and administer the game.

How many referes are there in basketball matches?

Officials are usually referred to as referees, however generally there is one lead referee and one or two umpires, depending on whether there is a two or three person crew. In the NBA, the lead official is called the crew chief and the other two officials are "referees

How much do mountain west basketball referees make?

$2,300 a game