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It is a very common practice to represent dates (primarily years) and series using roman numerals.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

The NFL Marketing department thought that Super Bowl 50 looked better than Super Bowl L. So they used the numeric number instead of the Roman numeral.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Because they were afraid that many people would not realize that the number 50 is represented by an L and say it was Super Bowl L instead of 50.

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Q: Why does NFL use roman numerals for Super Bowl?
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Which was the first Super Bowl to be designated by the roman numerals?

Super Bowl III on January 12, 1969 was the first to be officially designated by roman numerals. However, the two previous AFL-NFL Championship Games came to be known, retroactively, as Super Bowl I and Super Bowl II.

What was the roman numeral number for the 2013 NFL Super Bowl?

2013 in Roman numerals is MMXIII

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The Roman numerals for 2005 are MMV (1000+1000+5=2005)

Why is the Super Bowl identified by Roman Numerals rather than by the year in which it is played?

The Super Bowl games can be identified by Roman numerals, rather than by years of events. The NFL season stretches over two calendar years, therefore identifying the Super Bawl games by the year may cause some perplexity.

What year did the saints win the super bowl in roman numerals?

The New Orleans Saints won the NFL championship for MMIX in Super Bowl XLIV. The Saints defeated the Indianapolis Colts, XXXI to XVII.

Why isn't the Roman numeral used for Super Bowl 2016?

The NFL Marketing department thought that Super Bowl 50 looked better than Super Bowl L. So they used the numeric number instead of the Roman numeral.

Which Super Bowl team is in the NFL?

the saintsANSWER:All of them. The Super Bowl is the NFL's championship game.

Will there be an NFL experience at Super Bowl 44?

Yes, the NFL Experience will be part of the Super Bowl festivities in Super Bowl XLIV.

Where was Super Bowl XLI played?

That Super Bowl will be played in the year 2050. Or, in Roman numerals, MML.

Who won the Super Bowl in 1952?

The first NFL Super Bowl was in 1967, so there was no Super Bowl in 1952.

How many Super Bowl games have been played?

As of February 8, 2011 there have been 45 Super Bowls including the most recent on February 6, 2011 where the Packers beat the Steelers.

What was the best nfl Super Bowl?

The 2008 super bowl of all time.