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It's just an audible. Every team has code they can yell from the line to edit plays or change them entirely. It's usually a combination of colors and numbers. I'm sure most teams have a "green nineteen" audible.

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Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.

Why is Brett Favre a great football player?

A guy like Brett Favre is the key kind of quarterback for football. I mean, the crowd goes nuts when he gets a touchdown pass, you know? BOOM! Tocuhdown! What I'm saying here is that when you see this guy play football, you sorta get this feeling that you just want to get up and dance etc. Brett Favre is a MVP Quarterback, its believed that he will retire a Vikings in 2010 after his 20th NFL season (1 with NYG, 16 with Green Bay, 1 with NYJ, and 2 with Minnesota)

Would Brett Favre go to the Vikings?

He sure would. The offensive coordinator there (Darrell Bevell) was his QB coach in Green Bay and they run a similar offense as the Packers did when he was there so not alot of learning would be required by Brett Favre. Also he has a problem with Ted Thompson the General Manager of the Packers for trading him and believing he was not as good as Aaron Rodgers, the current QB of the Packers, even though it is widely believed that Thompson gave Favre a chance to come in and compete with Rodgers but Favre refused saying he wasn't going to go through that he was a veteran and was not going to compete. So Brett has gone thru with the surgery he needed and by all accounts will be ready to play this coming season and I would say there is a good chance it will be with the Vikings (I am a huge Favre fan but believe he is in the wrong in this situation)

Is Brett Favre the greatest man alive?

While there aren't many who would say he is the greatest man alive there are a few who would say he is one of the best quarterbacks alive. There were more to that few until Brett decided he would join a division rival of his former team. But even his old fans can say that he is an exceptional quarterback if not a loyal one in their eyes.