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Q: Why do your frozen pizzas keep curling up?
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How do you keep butterflied shrimp from curling up when deep frying?

Skewer them. It's the only way.

How do you do a sock bun?

first you get a mens sock keep curling it up and then you keep pulling it as you go and make sure it is straight as you go along

Can blood be frozen?

Yes, this is an item that can be stored frozen. It can last up to two years frozen. Meats have good blood juices that keep well frozen.

How many months can you keep a pizza frozen?

Up to 4 months

How long can rump steak be frozen for?

you can keep beef up to a year in the freezer

Why do caterpillars curl up?

Caterpillars curl up when they feel threatened. It is a defense mechanism they have and it makes them look like they are dead. Curling up helps keep their predators away.

What causes more damage to your hair curling it with a flat iron or curling it with a curling iron?

Curling It With A Curling Iron Damages Your Hair More . _____________ Whichever tool is turned up to the highest temperature will be the more damaging one.

Can you freeze fresh mushrooms?

Yes they can be frozen. Pack them in baggies of water to keep the from getting freezer burnt. You can keep them for up to a year.

How do you keep your pony bead creations from curling up?

when a friendship bracelet curls, you're not doing it right, one knot, is made out of two knots.

How long is fresh frozen apple juice good for a baby?

you should only keep the frozen apple juice frozen for about...... 2 weeks and no later because this causes the apple citrus to freeze up and pollut the juice therfore causing the baby to have diara! sooo dont keep apple juice frozen for 2 weeks!

What is the difference between curling up and sitting up?

Curling up means bending your body into a rounded shape, while sitting up means being in an upright position with your back straight.

What is Geronimo's favorite hobby?

Curling up with a book.