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Q: Why do you think the task of holding a baseball takes more ATP molecules than the other tasks?
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Molecules tend to move into area where there are more molecules?

That takes energy. Normal diffusion means that the molecules move away from each other (in other words ... to where there are less molecules).

A liquid has a definite but it takes the shape of the container holding it?

The liquid has a definite volume because its molecules are packed closely together, but it takes the shape of the container due to its ability to flow and conform to its surroundings. This characteristic allows liquids to be poured and moved easily.

How does the motion of molecules explain the phases of matter?

Solid: Molecules are tightly packed together into a fixed shape, so the molecules only have room to vibrate in place. ex: a classroom Liquid: Molecules have room to spread out and can slide past each other and takes the shape of the container it's in. ex: a hallway Gas: Molecules have room to go wherever and don't touch each other but still takes form of it's container. ex: outside; parking lot

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As a liquid evaporates, molecules with higher kinetic energy leave the liquid surface, which results in a decrease in the average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules and, therefore, a decrease in temperature. This cooling effect is due to the energy required to break the intermolecular bonds holding the liquid molecules together during evaporation.

What takes away water molecules as molecules are combined?

The intermolecular bonds between water molecules are hydrogen bonds.

Difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?

Endocytosis is the process by which the cell takes in molecules by engulfing them in vesicles formed from the cell membrane. Exocytosis, on the other hand, is the process by which cells release molecules by fusing vesicles containing the molecules with the cell membrane, thereby expelling the contents outside the cell.

What has matter and takes space?

molecules and atoms

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Evaporation - the fastest molecules escape 1. When a Liquid is heated, the heat energy goes to the molecules, which makes them move faster. 2. Some molecules move faster than others. 2. Fast-moving molecules at the surface will overcome the forces of attraction from the other molecules and escape. This is Evaporation.

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