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There are always a number of reasons why male athletes feel insecure and a few more for female athletes.

The common reason have to do with performance and their particular motivations behind why they play the sport. In younger children it is most often the parents driving them and the child wanting to please the parent and coach. The child does something good and they immediately ask "did you see that" or they are told to do something and say "watch me I can do that". They are seeking approval all the time.

Teens through adults it is often tied to performance level. Sometimes it is underestimated by the players and sometimes overestimated. It is no surprise more boys than girls overestimate their abilities. Thus since boys think they are better than they are the insecurities are when they see that other players around them are better, when coaches continue to tell them they are doing something wrong, and they are not winning as often as they think they should. Where as girls see performance in their own eyes, but tend to value what they think others think of their performance. The coach, parents and other players weigh heavy on their insecurity than does their own opinion more times than not. Please note this are generalization and not true of every male and female athlete.

This is only the tip of the iceberg on players insecurity but I hope this helps begin the thought process on the question.

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