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Well, the "spikes" are called cleats, and they help you stay balanced and focused. Cleats are also helpful for speed, as you can push harder off the ground.

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To help give them grip.

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Q: Why do they have sprigs on soccer boots?
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Related questions

What are the gears for soccer?

Each player neads a pair of boots with sprigs on the botom. they nead shin pads. if you are goaly you will nead extras

What aequipment to yous for soccer?

Soccer boots with cleats or sprigs are essential depending on what ground you're playing on. shin pads and long socks. Shorts around just above the knee and a shirt

What are soccer boots made of?

Some soccer boots are made out of leather.

How were old soccer boots made?

Initially, old soccer boots were modified from regular work boots with nails in the bottom. Once manufacturing began for soccer boots in 1905 they were made by Gola, Valsport, and Hummel with 6-9 replaceable studs in the bottom.

Is soccer boots and soccer cleats are the same?

Yes they are the same thing. Europeans call them boots and Americans call them cleats.

How do you make soccer boots?

you do a poo

Why do you need soccer boots?

Because you can slip on the grass with flat shoes but with soccer boots, the kleats dig into the ground to give you balance.

What do new soccer boots look like?

New soccer boots are all different colours these days and are also getting more expensive everyday but it is worth it if you love playing soccer

What sort of metal are rugby sprigs on boots?

Their name is "Studs". The are made from aluminium and must comply with IRB regulations - Nylon is strictly forbidden

What is the lightest pair of soccer boots?


Where can you buy soccer boots?

jjb sports

Where can you sale your soccer boots?

at a garage sale