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A time out can be called after the first free throw in a two free throw situation, during live play (when the team has the ball- if the other team has the ball, you cannot call a time out), after the last free throw, and at any other stoppage of play (blood on the floor, official mistake, etc.).

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Coaches or players call timeouts for several reasons. One common reason to call a timeout is to change the momentum of the game. If an opposing player is getting in three-pointer after three-pointer, you might want to call a timeout and hope it disrupts his hot streak. Another reason is to substitute players in. When you want to substitute a player in, the player won't be able to go in until game play stops. Timeouts can do stop a game. Also, another reason to call a timeout is for the coach to tell the players something he wants to say. For example, a coach might call a timeout to tell the players to stop being weak on defense, or to draw up a play when the game is on the line.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A coach can only call time out when his team has the ball, he cannot call it once the other team has it. A player can also call time out.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Anytime the team possesing the ball wants to as long as they have time outs left.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

15 min or sometimes 20 and importantly-4 quarter's.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Timeouts are called by the coaches, to discus plays with their players. There is no certain time for timeouts.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No you've gotta have the ball

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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Q: Why do they call timeouts in a basketball game?
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How many timeouts are you allowed during a high school basketball game?

Three full timeouts and two 30-second timeouts are allowed in high-school basketball.

How many timeouts in professional basketball?

In an NBA game, each team is given six timeouts. They get four 60-second timeouts and two 20-second timeouts.

Why do college basketball teams take timeouts ON the court?

So the coach can talk to his players and devise a strategy to win. There are also TV timeouts if the game is televised.

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A sub can take place during dead balls or during timeouts

Can a team call three timeouts in a row in basketball before ball becomes live?

yes but then zombies come out and eat it

How long are time outs in basketball?

Each team gets 7 timeouts a game, for 4 quarters. They have 4 full timeouts, which last 1 minute, and 3 20 second timeouts.

Do timeouts carryover in high school basketball?

No there aren't timeouts in any type of soccer after the age of 6 or 7

When are the media timeouts during a college basketball game?

TV timeouts occurs after the first deadball situation after 16 minutes left in the period, 12 minutes left in the period, 8 minutes left in the period, and 4 minutes left in the period. Should a team call a time out during a period and the broadcaster go to commercial, one of the TV timeouts is deleted from the schedule.