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Q: Why do the chiefs has Texas on their helmets?
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When did the Kansas City Chiefs leave Texas?

The chiefs left dallas Texas after the 1961 season

How many motorcycle deaths to not wearing helmets in Texas?

There will be a so many members 2 death a not a wearing helmets in texas

Why do Kansas City Chiefs have the shape of Texas on their helmets?

In select games for the 2009 season, the Chiefs-as well as the other founding teams of the American Football League-will wear "throwback" uniforms to celebrate the AFL's 50th anniversary and the 1962 Dallas Texans team that won the AFL Championship. the Chiefs were the AFC Dallas Texans before going to KC and becoming the Chiefs. The NFL is having having the teams wear their old jerseys to recognize the 50th anniversary of the AFC.When that franchise ( KC ) started play in the league as the Dallas Texans.

Why do the Kansas City Chiefs have a Texas design on their uniform?

Because they used to be the Texans.

What is the mascot of ATM college football?

I think you mean Texas a&m which has ATM on their football helmets. Texas a&m's mascot is an aggie.

What kind of helmet does number 12 have on The University Of Texas?

# 12 being Colt McCoy. Texas uses Riddell helmets for the most part.

Why does Kansas City Chiefs coach have Dallas Texas on jacket?

It is there throwback from when they played in Dallas.

What does the Dallas star mean?

The star on the Dallas Cowboys' helmets and uniforms is a reference to Texas' historical image as the Lone Star State.

What is the difference between dirt bike helmets and ATV helmets?

Mountain bike helmets are better than dirt bike helmets

How do chin straps come in handy?

Chin straps come in handy by securing a helmet to the head. The are used for baseball helmets, football helmets, combat helmets, hockey helmets, and motorcycle helmets.

What uniform is kansas city football team is wearing today means?

It is a throwback to the team's origins as the Dallas Texans. Notice the State of Texas on their helmets.

Is Selena Gomez a cheerleader?

Yes she is.She cheered in a small town in Texas called grand prairie she was on a squad's team called the chiefs.