Home court advantage. Its the same thing that happens in Los Angeles with Kobe and Miami with Wade.
In the sport of Ulimtate Frisbee, there are no referees. Players must call their own fouls and etc. The game relies heavily on good sportmanship and the ''Spirit of the Game''
Yes, a typical organized game of basketball has 2 or 3 officials, or more commonly referred to as referees. They call fouls or violations on players and administer the game.
The men with whistles are Referees they look out for fouls, penalties , etc. There are usually 2 Refs.
There are no referees. The players call their own fouls
The officials in a basketball game are the men or women that call the game, they are the ones that call fouls, call out violations, and maintain the game. They are also called referees. In the NBA they usually wear a grey NBA shirt with sweatpants. There are at least three refs/officials at every NBA game
The games stops for a short time and the referees go to talk about the call and agree on who's right and who's wrong.
players, match officials, Referees, assistant referees, stewards
The spirit of the game in ultimate Frisbee is that you follow the rules and play fair. Since there are no referees in ultimate, is is up to the players to call their own fouls and travels. Spirit of the game is that you will not cheat and you will go out their and play fairly. After the game, you will be respectful and not brag or boast.
Yes some obstructions call for do-overs,such as fouls.
To make sure the basketball game goes smoothly. Call fouls, when necessary. Although some officials don't call certain fouls simply because they may not have seen it.
My opinion is the referees call bad plays.
It is expected the referee and/or assistant referees will see foul play. Players in the game are reminded that coercing a referee or official to award penalties or yellow cards can in itself bring a penalty award against that player. The game is unlike soccer where players will look for foul as it is deemed "Ungentlemanly conduct"