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Q: Why do some people have a chip on their shoulder?
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What is an example sentence using the idiom chip on your shoulder?

You really have a chip on your shoulder. Don't get a chip on your shoulder over such a little thing.

How do you use a chip on your shoulder in a sentence?

She always walked around with a chip on her shoulder, ready to argue with anyone who crossed her path.

What animal has a chip on its shoulder?

chip and dale

If someone carries a grudge it is said to have what on your shoulder shoulder?

a chip

What does it mean when you have a chip on your shoulder?

The expression 'chip on your shoulder' is rooted from ship yards workers in the 1600's. The phrase reflects shipwrights that allowed workers to take home 'chips' or pieces of wood they good use for their family.

Name a kind of chip you cant eat?

A poker chip. A wood chip. A computer chip. A cow chip. A chip off the old block. A chip on the shoulder.

When was the term chip on your shoulder first used?

The term "chip on your shoulder" is believed to have originated in the early 19th century in the United States. It refers to someone who is always ready to take offense or start a fight, as if they are carrying a metaphorical chip of wood on their shoulder, inviting others to knock it off and provoke a confrontation.

What actors and actresses appeared in Chip on My Shoulder - 2009?

The cast of Chip on My Shoulder - 2009 includes: Jonathan Anastas as himself Ed Lalli as himself Chris Lauria as himself Steve Risteen as himself

What is born with a chip?

It might mean born with a chip on one's shoulder. Don't know the origin, but having a chip on your shoulder means that you have an antisocial attitude and are always looking for a fight with someone.

What is Candys explanation for the chip on Curleys shoulder?

Candy explains that Curley has a chip on his shoulder because he is a small man who is constantly trying to prove himself. He is insecure about his size and compensates by being aggressive and picking fights with bigger men.

What does chip on his shirt mean?

A "chip on his shoulder" is an idiom that refers to a person who is easily angered or feels they have been treated unfairly. It suggests that the person is carrying around a grudge or feeling defensive.

Where do they put the chip on the cats?

They put it between my cats shoulder blades where she couldn't pick at it.