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Vaseline or "vas" as its generally referred to is used to reduce the friction on the ears. The friction is generally caused by the material of the shorts and shirts rubbing against the skin. The ear itself is cartridge and can damage very easily. The props and hookers are the most likely to wear it but other pack members do use it. The front row have an addition reason which is the collision made when packing down against their opponents heads and the ears do take consistent punishment.

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Q: Why do some of Saracen rugby players have tape at the back of their ears?
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Who invented the rugby helmet?

there are no helmets in rugby only in american football. that is why rugby is so brutal and why players wear tape around their ears to stop them getting ripped off. there is only one "helmet" which is a scrum cap which is used like the tape to stop their ears being ripped off

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Eyes on rugby!

Do rugby players wear any protective gear?

Most rugby players wear shoulder pads, which protects them when they tackle and for when they are in a scrum or ruck. The players who go in the scrums and rucks wear scrum hats, this prevents them from head injuries, but also prevents cauliflower ears. And nearly all the players wear gum shields to protect their teeth.

How do you tape your ears for rugby?

Many players now wear scrum caps to protect the ears and head. Taping of the ears is questionable. However, apply Vaseline to the out area of the ear and place a soft cause or cotton-wool over the ear. Ally the tape around the head, players usually use a medical stretch adhesive tape for this - The padding will stop the rubbing of the ear and will stop the tape sticking to the ear itself - Also seek medical advice as well as there are problems encountered with ear damage by many players

Why some rugby players wear tape around their ears?

The tape you see a lot of rugby players wearing, singularly wrapped without going further up the hand/thumb for support, is normally just added as a preventative measure following a previous wrist strain. Once strained, the wrist area can be prone to being strained again, particularly under the high stress/impact it is put under in rugby.

How can you read your horses face?

ears forward-happy ears to side-content ears flat back-aggressive, in pain ears slightly back-listening behind them

When a horse flattens it ears it is in a good mood worried angry or starving?

when a horse puts his ears back he is angry or in pain. It depends what he puts his ears back at. I hope this is of some help to you. what to you do that he puts his ears back at...?if you wright back im sure i can help you..=]

What is the Origin of pin your ears back?

The phrase "pin your ears back" likely originated from the image of an animal like a horse or dog flattening its ears against its head when it is angry or ready to attack. When used figuratively, it means to pay close attention or focus intensely on something.

If a horses ears are slanted back it indicates?

If a horse's ears are slanted back, it can indicate that the horse is feeling anxious, defensive, or in pain. It is important to assess the situation and address any potential sources of discomfort or stress for the horse.

What does it mean when a horse has its ears back?

When a horse has its ears back, it is often a sign of discomfort, fear, or aggression. It can indicate that the horse is feeling threatened or unhappy and may be reacting defensively. It is important to evaluate the situation carefully and try to address the horse's needs or concerns.

Name of insect having ears on its back leg?

Some grasshoppers make sounds with their back legs but they do not have ears there.

What if a horse's ears are slanted backwards?

horses often show their feelings by moving their ears, if the ears are forward: the horse is interested or exited in something. if the ears are slanted back or twitching: the horse is relaxed and listening to what is around him. if the ears are flat back: the horse is angry.