Nothing. The only protective gear allowed are shin guards, soft rubber helmets for players with cranial injuries, facial restrictors for players with nasal injuries and arm guards for players with broken arms.
The word Quadribrachial means four arms in Latin language.
Yes. Vigintibrachial means twenty arms in Latin.
Yes. quintibrachial is the meaning for five arms in Latin
In Greek, "hexa" means six and "brachia" means arms. In Latin, the term for six arms would be "sexbrachia."
It is a common misconcpetion that basketball players are the highest jumpers in sport. However, the vertical jumps of basketball players are lower than many other sports like football, discuss and shotput, olympic lifters etc... Basketball players are tall, and have long arms which makes dunking failry easy for them. If you look at the combine results you can see that football players are outjumping basketball players. Keep in mind that basketball requires more endurance than football so the training must be geared slightly more towards endurance then pure explosive movements. See the related link for the combine results and more info on this subject:
arma, armorum
Broken arms do havppen in football. However, they usually occur from falling as opposed to being tackled or blocked.
Combat Arms EU won't work for Asia players, try Combat Arms Korea.
to keep their arms warm and loose so they don't cramp or get cold
The best strengthen as a running back is the arms. This is in football.
In armis angeli