Triangular corner flags are given to winners of the FA Cup. Cardiff City beat Arsenal 1-0 in 1927 and are the only welsh team (so far) to have won the trophy.
4 corner flags. 2 linesmen offside flags.
The area of Six Flags New England is 1,149,307.2239616 square meters.
The Zambian flag is green with an eagle in the top right corner. There's a square with 3 vertical stripes (red, black, orange - L-R) in the bottom right corner.
The flags of Switzerland and Vatican City are both square in shape.
1,291 flags.
Switzerland and Vatican City have square shaped flags.
blue and gold
The area of Six Flags México is 445,154.20646400005 square meters.
The area of Six Flags Dubailand is 464,515.2 square meters.
Most often rectangular. Some flags, however, are peculiar shapes.