A wrist band is part of a football referee's uniform and is used to keep track of downs. For example, the band looped over the index finger means it's first down, over the middle, second down, and so on.
Referees do not wear any numbered jerseys.
They don't
Westerners have the tradition that the groom wears his wedding band on the left hand next to the little finger. Some Europeans will wear the wedding band on the right hand next to the little finger.
It is traditional to wear a wedding band on the forth left finger. Some European people wear their wedding bands on the right hand. If you want to wear your wedding band on a different finger then do so.
In American sports, the referees usually wear black and white striped shirts. In the NBA, the officials wear grey shirts.
If I'm not mistaken, it could be different in other countries. But in America, or at least what I know is the left hand.(finger closest to your pinky). Could be different in other parts of America....
On the left hand ring finger.