It keeps the sweat out of their eyes. Football players sweat a lot under those helmets and when they take them off, it will roll into their eyes. Some guys wear the skull caps under their helmets for the same reason, and so that their helmet doesn't pull their hair out when they take it off.
Take it off of CAPS LOCK.
no way.
Take it off of CAPS LOCK.
Quarterbacks are the guy who squat down behind the offensive line and take the snap, then either hand the ball off or throw it.
NO! never remove the acid caps! EVER! only if it is a battery to something like an ATV or dirt bike you would take the acids caps off and only to refill the acid. if it is a normal car battery just leave them on. if you are talking about the (+) and (-) battery TERMINAL caps then on some vehicles you have to take them off so that the charger can come in contact with the battery posts.
Quarterbacks are the guy who squat down behind the offensive line and take the snap, then either hand the ball off or throw it.
Yes but it will be a little difficult because you have to take your piston rod caps off and take your main bearing caps off & romove the top half of your main bearings & lube the new bearings so you can snake them back in place.
Jack the car up on the side the wheel is on, grab the L shaped spanner thing, undo the nuts (4 of them) take the wheel off. Make sure to jam things against the ground wheels so the car doesn't roll. If you have hub-caps, they should just pull off. Cheap ones may break. If the hub-caps have bolts on them, then you have to take the wheel off first. Otherwise you need to take the hub-caps off first.
Bro! It's already off. In your Keyboard there is a Key "Caps Lock" use that key to Caps off or Caps on
Take off caps lock. Yelling doesn't help.
Soda bottles began using twist off caps in the 1960s, gradually replacing the older style pry-off caps. The twist off caps provided a more convenient and user-friendly way to open and reseal the bottles.