Football is the biggest and most popular sport in the world and is enjoyable because it's a great work out, it's very competitive and challenging. Plus there is nothing like having the ball and feeling like your being chased by ten flaming mad bulls.
People love to play football because they know it is a contact sport and people who play that sport love to run.But one thing i don't like about football is when you get tackled and you get hurt and you can't play for the season or the rest of your life.I love the patriots because on RANDY MOSS and Tom Brady.
The football players think that it takes a man to accomplish this sport but step aside players cause gymnastics is the hardest sport! I am a gymnast at BAC and am in level 7! Gymnastics is the hardest sport it takes flexibilty, strength, balance, courage and way more! Can a football player flip 2 feet in the air and stick it perfectly no! Can they do a cartwheel with no hands on a 4 inch beam apsalutely not! Can they flip over a vault or do a giant on the uneven bars oh no they can't so now u know that gymnastic is the hardest sport!
its fun and
Football is so popular in Texas because they are very sportsman like people!!
Because people like cookies so f'in much
Soccer (football) is the most popular
i dont know. does he even like football? you cant answer a question like so and so likes what football team if so and so doesnt like football. find out if he likes football first.
I like sports but it is not my favorite subject to talk about. I like tennis and basketball but not so much football and hockey. That's just me but other people might not think the same thing so just ask other people and find other answers.
because they are either too lazy or they don't like that kind of club like say like i hate football so i wont play football!
Remember! He is from Italy and most of the Italian people are like that.
because that's what Iowa people like to play
people like halo so much because now that you can get it on xbox360 and go online and vs other people.
Well very rarely people are as good as him hes the best in the world at the moment so i don' t think anyone can play football like him
They like him so much because he looks cute to some people and he is the brother of...The Jonas Brothers!!!