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Um..what kinda question is THAT? =] Just kidding. Cuz like soccer is so so fun. It is challenging. It is exciting. It takes skill. It takes talent. Some people work well with their feet. Some people just like the oppurtunity to be a star and win.

Answerisnt it obvious? it is one of the most fun and exciting sports ever invented and other than track there is a lot more running and rules than other games. also, maybe people like it for the challenge? And

because it is the mos beautiful sport ever invented, it is so simple, for it is the only sport that it just need a ball to be played.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Its due to the fact because its an easy sport to play. You could play anywhere, it doesnt have to be at a park or field. You could play in the streets. Watching the sport, there is no commercials only at half time plus ha what else is there to watch. Its due to the fact because its an easy sport to play. You could play anywhere, it doesnt have to be at a park or field. You could play in the streets. Watching the sport, there is no commercials only at half time plus ha what else is there to watch.

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Q: Why do people enjoy playing or watching soccer?
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