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to be noticed as the one in charge.

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Q: Why do parachute riggers wear a red baseball cap?
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What do you call the cap that baseball players wear?


What team's baseball cap did Jack Nicholson wear in The Departed?

Even though the movie was set in Boston, Jack Nicholson didn't want to wear the cap for the Boston Red Sox, so he wore his own NY Yankees cap.

What kind of hat does a Mexican boy wear?

Nowadays, probably a baseball cap. It used to be a "sombrero".

What soft cap with the full brim is typical head wear for players of this British bat-and-ball game?

The person who answered before said 'baseball cap' but baseball is not a British game. It is a Cricket Cap. Cricket is a game played in the UK.

What National League baseball team's cap did Billy Crystal wear in City Slickers?

NY Mets

How do you protect hair from pool chlorine?

To protect hair from pool chlorine, always wet your hair with clean water before entering the pool to minimize chlorine absorption. Additionally, wear a swim cap to create a barrier between your hair and the chlorine. After swimming, rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water and use a clarifying shampoo to remove any chlorine build-up.

Is it an offence to wear a police department baseball cap while crossing an international border?

no, you can wear anything you want, as long as your not impersonating a cop or claiming to have police powers.

Whats the best way to fit a baseball cap?

the best way to fit a baseball cap, especially an MLB game-hat which are difficult, you have to shower with the cap, saturating it. Then stretch it a bit, let it drip dry for about an hour, then wear it while still wet until completely dry.

What national league baseball team's cap did Billy Crystal wear in the movie city slickers?

New York Mets

What team's baseball cap did Tom Selleck wear in Magnun PI?

Detroit Tigers

What is the history of the parachute regiment cap badge?

The cap badge of the British Parachute Regiment is relatively new as paratroopers did not exist until WW2. So it is a new design that has no historical tradition as common with many of the British regiments. One source I have says the badge was approved in May 1943. The badge is a simple design of Wings with a parachute in the center; the parachute being topped by a King's Crown and a Lion on top of the crown. It has a silver finish.

What types of caps do truck drivers wear?

The types of caps that truck drivers wear slightly resembles a baseball cap. The section above the cap's bill is made of foam, whereas the back half of the hat is made of plastic mesh for breathability.