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Simple answer, they ejaculated.

when i run i get some semen stains on my spandex, it just happens to me. of course i wear shorts over my spandex.

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Q: Why do men have semen stains on the spandex?
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How do you remove stains from nylon and spandex?

wash it with bleach

What is the white stains in your husbands underwear?

No. Men can have white stains or yellow stains on the front of their shorts. Some men can get easily aroused (for example: seeing a stripper) and perhaps have semen stains, but it doesn't mean he cheated. Usually the yellow stains are from urine or discharge. Marcy

Are the yellow stains on a mattress pad semen stains?

Yellow stains on a mattress pad could be a variety of things, including sweat, urine, or even spilled drinks. To determine if they are semen stains, a forensic analysis would be needed.

Can you get semen stains from just a morning erection or does there have to be sexual activity?

Yes, you can get semen stains as it's quite normal for males to have 'wet dreams.'

Can you see dry semen stains on your clothes?

Dry semen stains may appear as crusty, yellowish spots on clothing. They can be difficult to spot, especially on dark fabrics. It's best to check clothing under good lighting and wash them with cold water and a stain remover to remove the stain effectively.

What are semen stains?

Semen stains typically refer to the marks left behind by ejaculated semen on fabrics or surfaces. They are often difficult to remove and may require special cleaning techniques. It is important to clean semen stains promptly to prevent them from setting.

Does semen come out in the wash?

Most of it does. However, it can leave stains.

There are white stains in your car how can you check to see if its semen?

taste it

How do you get rid of semen stains?

To remove semen stains, first rinse the affected area with cold water. Then, apply a stain remover or detergent directly to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before washing the fabric as usual. For tougher stains, you may need to repeat the process or use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for protein-based stains like semen.

Can you see semen stains on toilet paper?

Of course you can. Try it and see!

How can you identify semen stain in white underwear?

Semen stains on white underwear may appear as yellowish or off-white spots. To identify them, you can use a black light, which will make the stains glow due to the presence of proteins in semen. Additionally, a chemical like Acid Phosphatase can be used to confirm the presence of semen.

How do you detect semen stains?

Semen stains can be detected using a forensic light source that causes the stains to fluoresce under certain wavelengths of light. Additionally, chemical tests such as the Acid Phosphatase Test or the Microscopic Examination Test can also be used to detect the presence of semen stains on a surface. DNA analysis can provide confirmation of the presence of semen and identify the individual it came from.