daaaa they want there team to win and brag in the other teams face
During California football games, the fans will sing "Fight for California". This is the official fight song of the school with the full name University of California Berkeley (Cal).
The best football fans in the world is England Football fans.
Football Fans Census was created in 2002.
liverpool fans
fans mostly fight because their team has lost and somebody is trashing on their team
Football definitley
pompey fans are amazing and i hate them
Cricket is the best for 🇮🇳. Sorry football fans.
The Albanian National Football Club FaceBook page says that there are approximately 279,000 fans
The Mexican fans are famous for Mexican wave.
NASCAR fans will watch football. Though races may interfere with football because of the time of the race and game, fans can watch both sports. It's possible to like more than one sport.
Home fans.