So that it can stop the ball from going into the goal.
To thow a fork ball yo need to split your finger like a splitter and throw it like a changeup
To answer this question and ones like it, try exaggerating. Does it take the same amount of force to throw a cannon ball 3 meters as it does to throw a golf ball 3 meters?
Well when you throw the ball you need to throw it quite hard and spin the ball backwards and throw it down. If you throw it too flat then it will merely skim the surface, instead of skipping it. Some people find it easier to use a flat ball, like myself.
No you do not need the same amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you would need to throw a golf ball 3 meters. The amount of force required to throw a basketball 3 meters depends on several factors: The weight of the ball: Basketballs are much heavier than golf balls. The size of the ball: Basketballs are much larger than golf balls. The amount of air resistance: Basketballs are much more aerodynamic than golf balls.Therefore you would need to generate more force to throw a basketball 3 meters than you would to throw a golf ball 3 meters.
kind of because if you want to throw the ball to the reciver you need to be tall
To throw a lob pass you need to throw it just over the persons head so they can jump and catch the ball. HOPE THIS HELPS.
Netball players need power for when they're pasing the ball. If you don't have power and you throw the ball to someone it might not reach that person.
Cricket is a game where u need to hav 12 players in your team and u need something to play it which is like wicket keeper gloves to catch the ball an the keeper is the main player in the team cuz he has sharp eyes and fastest movement
The goal keeper needs flexibility to be able to respond quickly to the ball hit in the goal direction (by jumping in air or going down to ground) so that he/she can catch it and avoid the ball hitting the goal.
you need to do mean look and then yust throw balls
eephus pitchlookin to be a good pitcher?...............well this is agood pitch grab a ball ......ok now pick up the ball like a change up when you throw lob it a bit and watch it strike out the batter There is a certain way you need to hold an eephus. You need to grab a baseball. The two seams you would hold to throw a two seamed fastball need to be side to side instead of up and down. Then you hold the bottom seam with your thumb and index finger. Then you throw it as a normal fastball and as you throw it the ball will fly out of your hand with the rotation going forward. Then as the ball gets closer it just tumbles down a good 5 feet. I learned to throw this from my pitching coach who played 4 years D2 ball.