no. you can wear sneakers(with socks) or barefoot.
cups Baseball socks baseball pants hat jersey and cleats
ether knee height, or a tad lower or a tad higher, mostly knee height since there "knee socks"
Cholos wear Dickies,Locs,Flannel shirts,cortez and high socks.
everyone has to wear full uniform in most leagues.
They often wear plain coats and sometimes they wear shorts and high socks.
they wear jersey's, hats,socks,belts,cleats,pants,and sometimes necklaces.
They wear a jersey, hat, baseball socks, cleats, mitt, batting gloves [optional], and eye black [optional].
Knee high socks look better with pants, shorts look better with ankle socks. Girls pull off knee high socks very good yes, but not with shorts, they usually wear them with a skirt.
No. The Dakota do not wear socks
I myself wear knee high socks with shorts, but people don't understand sometimes, Maybe in Estonia people are not free in their opinions and here is no tolerance to the individuality.
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