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Q: Why did the government believe it was necessary to provide canadians with a system of social services?
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no he believed in Christianity and that it was not necessary in the formation of government

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Canadians are free to believe what they want

Health beliefs and practices in Canada?

Canadians believe that every resident of Canada is entitled to proper health care. Therefore, all Canadians enjoy a comprehensive programme of government health insurance. This programme ensures that all Canadians are covered by health insurance; and that whenever Canadians require the services of a health care professional, they receive it. As a result, Canadians are among the healthiest people on Earth.

What president came to believe that a constitutional amendment was necessary for the government to build roads and canals?

James Madison

Why did the farmers of the constitution base the new government of federalism?

The framers of the Constitution, for the most part, believed that a strong central government was necessary. There were several anti federalists that did not believe that ideal.

Do canadians believe in the Easter bunny?

I imagine many of the very young ones do.

Do Canadians believe in Santa Claus?

Canadian Christmas traditions are very similar to traditions in the United States. They sing carols, eat special food and have Christmas trees. Yes, the kids in Canada believe in Santa Claus.Answer:As to the number of Canadians who believe in Santa Claus. This would be related to Canadians under the age of ten or so. 16% of Canadians are less than 16 years old, an extension would be that 10% are less than 10 years old. So at least 90% of Canadians do not believe in Santa Claus.

Why did the farmers of the constitution base the new plan of government of federalism?

The framers of the Constitution, for the most part, believed that a strong central government was necessary. There were several anti federalists that did not believe that ideal.

What did thomas Paine believe about the purpose of government in socie?

society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worse state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government.

Do you think Governments provide enough services?

No, governments are not really provide enough services.

Is religion really necessary in today's world?

No religion is not necessary. Believe in what YOU Want

Why is the Bill of Rights necessary?

Every item in the Bill of Rights describes a severe problem for the American Colonists between 1763 and 1776. It was necessary to give congress a list of restrictions. Americans believe in restricting the power of their government.