The chinese threw heads at each other because china was over populating and they had to think of creative methods to use parts of their bodies. They also their ribs as a nourishing meal the first sunday every month.
Well it all started about 1000 years ago when the Japanese started using discarded heads from there enemies to play the game of dodgeball by throwing the heads at eachother. You can thank the Japanese for Dodgeball
No. That was just a fanciful joke invented for the 2004 movie "Dodgeball: A true underdog story." The fact that many believed this was a historically accurate portrayal is fairly disconcerting. I've found no scholarly sources to back up the Chinese inventing dodgeball, let alone using human heads to play it.I mean, think about it: Why on earth would they throw human heads at each other? Who would engage in a sport involving picking up a decapitated head, throwing it, then having one thrown at you? Where did all the heads come from? I think the people that fall for jokes from Ben Stiller movies are the ones losing their heads.ACTUALLY; concerning the above answer. Some ancient tribes and cultures used to use people's severed heads to play variants of football, polo and many other such games. This was done a lot of the time with the direct intent of humiliating the head's owner (now dead) and his or her family. Such as a recently over turned king, bandit leader etc. So falling for the idea in Dodgeball the movie is not so stupid as you seem to want to make out and put people down for.
its a simple answer really..........there is no prison dodgeball
i play dodgeball because it is fun when you get a bunch o people to pile on the fat kid
not one
You get to legally hit people you hate with a ball.
Golf and Dodgeball
Its the samed as normal dodgeball really. You just aim the oppenents lowers body instead, EXAMPLE: Balls, Willy
You get to hit people with a ball on purpose.
Ashland, OR... Local YMCA. Ashland, OR... Local YMCA.
White Goodman
its episode 7