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Because is is like hockey, without the speed and finess

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Q: Why did iterest in lacrosse start to decline?
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When did woman start playing lacrosse?

Woman started playing lacrosse in 1980.

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A lacrosse game is started with a faceoff.

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It is 8.5% compounded yearly

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When does university lacrosse season start?

in the spring

When did Paul Rabil start lacrosse?

Paul Rabil got serious about Lacrosse as a freshmen in high school

How early lacrosse conditioning start?

whenever you want it to

When does field lacrosse start?

in college!

Can you decline a false start?

You cannot decline the penalty, since it is happening prior to the snap, you can, however, decline the YARDAGE of the penalty.

How many people start playing lacrosse each year?

how many people play lacrosse in the united states