Vespasian wanted the Colosseum built as a memorial to his dynasty.
You need to be more specific if you want to make it possible to answer your question. What does "Colosseum of Rome?" mean?
Although Vespasian's name was Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus, you do not say Titus Vespasian. You just say Vespasian. This is because his son and successor had the same name as is called by historians Titus.What Nero and Vespasian had to deal with when the latter went to Judea was more than just riots in Jerusalem. They had to deal with a revolt in the whole of Judea and Galilee. It is called the Great Jewish Revolt or the First Roman-Jewish War.Vespasian subjugated Galilee. He besieged Yodfat and Gamla and then conducted operations along the coast. He did not want to besiege Jerusalem because he thought it would cost too many Roman lives. He returned to Rome to depose Vitellius and take power. It was his son Titus who besieged Jerusalem. He did so after his father returned to Rome.
Qin shi huang . Because he want to protect his tomb ,to bost his power and show what loyalty to him after his death.
The Romans did want a strong emperor to stop the civil wars that racked the Roman Republic.
All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.All the Roman emperors were called "Caesar". You have to be specific about which emperor you want. However if you are referring to Julius Caesar, he was never an emperor, but he was born in 100 BC.
The Romans did not particularly want to have an emperor, but they accepted the principate as an alternative to the constant civil wars that they had experienced.
You need to specify which emperor you mean. There were many of them over the centuries.
Bacuse being emperor gave them power and money.
You can't get pikachu in Pokemon colosseum you can see it but that's all, if you want pikachu you would have to trade one from firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire or emerald.
No but you do need one if you want to trade with Pokemon colosseum and you also need a GBA to GCN cable and a ruby or sapphire or emerald or firered or leafgreen.