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Q: Why did Wayne Rooney recover in an oxygen tent?
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Why must you never smoke near a patient in an oxygen tent?

It will start a fire

What is the partial pressure of oxygen tent consisting of 45 percent oxygen for an atmospheric pressure of 755mmHg?

what was the o2 p s i for cylendar

Why must you never smoke or cause a spark near a patient in an oxygen tent?

it will blow up!

If your doctor tells you it is time for some hyperbaric therapy what can you look forward to?

Breathing pure oxygen in a tent

What is different between oxygen and air?

Air is about 30% oxygen 70% nitrogen. If you are in an oxygen tent or some other place with pure O2, breathing will be easier, but things will also burn easier.

Who stayed at Mt Everest longest without oxygen?

Babu chiri sherpa spent 20 hours atop Everest without the aid of oxygen. He slept in a custom designed tent.



What is a bell tent?

A bell tent is a tent with a bell-like shape.

What are the three methods used to administer oxygen?

The three methods used to administer oxygen are via nasal cannula (delivering low to moderate levels of oxygen), oxygen mask (providing higher concentrations of oxygen), and non-invasive ventilation (such as CPAP or BiPAP for more severe respiratory distress).

Who lives in tents?

Indians live in a tent

What is tent pegging?

When you secure a tent to the ground to stop it from blowing away with tent pegs.

What equipment did Edmund hillaryneed to climb mount Everest?

an oxygen tank, a tent, a climbing ax, food, and his partner along with a second team to help them.