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It violated the NBA's color rules and he was fined $5,000 each time

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Q: Why did Micheal Jordan get fined every time he wore his colorful Air Jordan shoes?
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Where can you fined marijuana?

Pretty much anywhere. At least a few people use it in every town.

What is the homophone for fined?

The homophone for "fined" is "find."

What are the most common piracy punishments?

you get fined a lot for every single game you pirate. i think its like 250000 for every single game

Homophone for find?


What is a hononym for the word fined?

fined as in i was fined $200 dollars and find as in go find my pencil.

What is a waterfall and how it formed?

That are fined by erosion.

What is a homophone for fined?

A homophone for "fined" is "find."

What is a homophone for find?

A homophone for "find" is "fined".

What is the homophone for find?

FinedThe homophone for find is fined. Like the library fined her twenty dollars for a book.The homophone for "find" is "fined". Here's an example sentence: He was fined close to one hundred dollars for speeding.

How much do you get fined in the NBA?

depends on what ur getting fined for

Can a child be fined for eating on a bus?

No. I have before and I wasn't fined.