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He studied sports

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Q: Why did Jackie Robinson study sports?
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Related questions

What were Jackie Robinson's hobbies?

Jackie Robinson's were sports.just all sports!

Who wrote Jackie Robinson Young Sports Trailblazer?

Herb Dunn was the author of Jackie Robinson: Young Sports Trailblazer.

Which sports did Jackie Robinson play?

Jackie Robinson played football, baseball, track, tennis and basketball.

What did Jackie Robinson major in in college?


Did Jackie Robinson like to play sports?


Who got Jackie Robinson in to sports?

Reverend Karl downs talked to him about sports :/

What did Jackie Robinson study at UCLA?

he studied baseball

What sports did Jackie Robinson play in his childhood?

Baseball stupid

In what sports did Jackie Robinson participate in high school?


Why did Jackie Robinson play 5 sports?

Jackie Robinson needed money to support his family. Black athletes were very underpaid in the 1940s and 1950s.

How many sports did Jackie Robinson play and what are they?

4 sports track,football,baseball,and basketball

What sports did jackie robinson letter in?

football, baseball, track and basketball