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Q: Why are there only 156 Texas Ranger Law enforcement officers?
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What was The only law enforcement officers available on the American frontier were the and the .?

The only law enforcement officers available on the American frontier were the sheriffs and the US Marshals.

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Legal to carray a loaded unconcealed pistol in Texas?

No, only peace officers can carry a handgun unconcealed. There are many that are considered peace officers in Texas.

Do you have to shoot a shot gun to become a cop?

Most law enforcement occupations require a firearms qualification, yes, although this can vary according to your location and specific function. In the US, parking enforcement officers are often unarmed, and motor carrier enforcement officers are in a number of states, as well. In the UK, Firearms Authorised Officers are normally the only ones who carry arms.

What is the oldest law enforcement motorcycle club in the USA?

Either the Blue Knights Maine chapter/Los Pistoleros in central Texas both were formed in the mid-70's. But neither one of these clubs are truly a law enforcement only club. Los Pistoleros membership is also open to corrections officers. The Blue Knights have associate members who are non-law enforcement. The oldest law enforcement-only club would be the Lawmen who were formed in 1986.

What education and training is required to become a Texas Ranger?

Basic requirements for employment as a DPS Trooper, which is the entry level for commissioned officers with DPS, are the applicant must be at least twenty (20) years of age and must have a minimum of ninety (90) semester hours from an accredited college. Thirty-six (36) months or more military or law enforcement experience may be substituted for required semester hours. Military police experience, however, does not count toward the eight (8) years experience required in order to be eligible to compete for the position of Texas Ranger. Little recruiting has ever been necessary. It is not unusual for more than 200 officers to apply for only a handful of openings.

Who is the only Yankee to pitch a perfect game as a Texas ranger?

Nolan Ryan

Is there only 99 Texas Rangers or was that just something that Walker Texas Ranger had?

The most recent numbers found published are from 2009. As of 2009, there were 144 commissioned members of the Texas Ranger force. The Rangers are a division of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Is the probation officer required to give the Miranda warning to the defendant before the PSI interview?

No. A Probation Officer is not a Law Enforcement Officer. Only Law Enforcement Officers are required to give the Miranda Warning.

Who is the most powerful law enforcement officer?

The sheriff is the most powerful and has more authority then any other law enforcement officer, including the state police. He has the authority to arrest federal officers and he can only be arrested by the coroner.

How many police officers are in The United states?

There are as of 2006, 683,396 full time state, city, university and college, metropolitan and non-metropolitan county, and other law enforcement officers in the United States. There are approx. 120,000 full time law enforcement personnel working for the federal government adding up to a total number of 800,000 law enforcement personnel in the U.S. Update 760.000 state and local sworn officers 2008, 120,000 federal sworn officers 2008, 368,000 civilians in police agencies (state and local only) 2008. This is in excess of 1.1 million.

To be a police officer do you have to use a firearm?

In most cases, yes. If the police in your area are armed then you would also be required to carry and qualify with firearms.However, this is not always the case. In countries such as those within the United Kingdom, the standard police officers are unarmed, with only trained Authorised Firearms Officers ever carrying firearms.This is occasionally true in the United States. For example, the Traffic Enforcement officers of the New York Police Department do not carry firearms.Additional Information: the un-armed traffic enforcement officers referred to above, although uniformed, are CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES of the department. Their authority is much the same as school crossing guards. They are NOT sworn law enforcement officers and do not possess the power of arrest.