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It's for cancer awareness.

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Q: Why are the college basketball coaches wearing tennis shoes with their suits?
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Why did you of Arizona basketball coaches wear tennis shoes during game on 1-31-2010?

Coaches vs Cancer

What sports involve wearing shorts?


What is the national sport in Madagascare?

Basketball and Tennis

Which is heavier football or tennis ball?

no, a regulation baseball usually weighs about 9 oz.

While in college Jackie Robinson excelled in three sports other than baseball What were the sports?

Basketball, soccer and tennis

What is Jimmy Carter favorite sport?

Carter played tennis while he was president and took up fly-casting. He played tennis and Basketball in high school and ran cross-country in college. As a boy he did a lot of hunting and fishing.

What sports make up volleyball?

The major actions in the game resemble both the rules of tennis and the teamwork of basketball and soccer. The ball is similar to soccer, though using the hands as in basketball. The net is similar to badminton, or more widely to tennis, with which it shares beginning service from the rear line. It could be described as "handball soccer tennis badminton."

Sport who wears short shorts?

Shorts are worn in playing many summer sports. Basketball and football (soccer) are notable for their players wearing shorts, as are track and field events.

Which sport is best basketball or table tennis?

Table tennis

What are sally Pearson's hobbies?

Her hobbies are Basketball, tennis and watching movies.

Compound predicate heather and casey played basketball and tennis all day?

Heather and Casey played basketball ad tennis all day. The compound predicate in the sentence is played basketball and tennis.

What is deuces in basketball?

I believe there is no deuces in basketball. Deuces are in tennis.