Simply put, the Ravens are named both for Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" and the bird itself. Natural Ravens in the wild can show a combination of Black and Purple sheen to their feathers when viewed in sunlight; it is these colors where the primary colors of the Baltimore Ravens uniforms and overall color schemes come from.
Purple, black, and gold
Baltimore Ravens are. Like in the sentence the Baltimore ravens are awesome!
Puple and black sometimes yellow away its white with purple lordray33
The 2010 season will be the Ravens' 15th in Baltimore.
Michael Orr currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens. (On his uniform, his name is spelled "Oher.")
Black and Purple are the colors of a live Raven (bird). The gold and white come from the official Seal of Maryland.
the baltimore ravens represents maryland
The Ravens' first season in Baltimore was in 1996.
Joe Flacco is number 5 on the Baltimore Ravens.
Baltimore Ravens
In 2010, the Baltimore Ravens had a 12-4 record.