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A long time ago when people in England were bad or murdered someone or something like that they would be banished from England and sent off to Australia. This is how most Australians started out. Pom stands for Prisoner of her Majesty. It is what the people in Autralia would call English people.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Two possibilities:

1 from POMP; high church dignitaries have them on their birettas

2 from the same root as PUMPKIN, as they have the sape of a gourd.

In either case, the word originally is POMPON and it's French.

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If one pom pom is a pom pom does that make two pom poms pom pom pom pom?

No. Many people believe that pom-poms should have a "plural-plural." But, "pom-poms" is the same, whether it is one set or a hundred sets. If there are two or more pom-poms its just pom-poms. As a comparison, it would be like asking if one dog is a dog should two dogs be referred to as dog dog. Also, the singular of pom-pom is pom-pom. It comes from the French word pompon. Although some people will tell you that the singular is just "pom," this is not true. You can have one pom-pom, or many pom-poms.

Can you get pom poms at dollar tree?

If you are looking for toy pom-poms that are pink and silver, then you can probably find them at a dollar tree. If you are looking for professional pom-poms then you have to go to your coach and ask her if she has pom-poms you can order.

Where can you buy black pom poms?

Buy any color pom poms and then take black spray paint and spray them let them dry and TA DA!! You have black poms poms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Where can you get some pom poms?

you can order pom poms in your team's color online

Who made pom poms?

Laurence herkimer made the first pom poms out of paper and Fred Gastoff made the first vinyl pom poms.

What are some creative ways to use colored pom poms in crafts?

Some creative ways to use colored pom poms in crafts include making pom pom animals, creating pom pom garlands, decorating hats or bags with pom poms, and using pom poms to embellish greeting cards or gift tags.

Are pom poms a recycleable product?

Pom-poms are not recylable products. They are made of plastic.

What do cheerleaders cheer with?

Cheerleaders usually hold pom-poms to support their teams.

What are some creative ideas for incorporating pom poms into arts and crafts projects?

Some creative ideas for incorporating pom poms into arts and crafts projects include making pom pom animals, creating pom pom garlands for decoration, adding pom poms to hats or scarves for a fun touch, making pom pom keychains or bookmarks, and using pom poms to embellish greeting cards or gift wrap.

What are some creative craft ideas that incorporate pom poms?

Some creative craft ideas that incorporate pom poms include making pom pom keychains, pom pom bookmarks, pom pom garlands, and pom pom animals.

What is Pom Squad?

A dance team with pom poms

What pom means in English word?

Pom poms