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Bands that are worn the wrist are for sweating. Most football players, tennis players, etc. will also wear tight bands around their elbows because with repeated stress the tendons of the elbow will slowly and painfully begin to pull away from the bone of the elbow. This is where the pain in your elbow originates. With continued, repetitive use of the elbow the tendon-bone connection weakens and the pain in your elbow steadily increases. By placing continual pressure on the tendons that connect the Flexor and the Extensor muscles to the Medial and Lateral Epicondyles the tension at the point of connection to the bone is significantly reduced. == == == ==

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14y ago
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11y ago
They don't! They wear it to indicate to their players, the opposition, the referee and the spectators that they are the captain! No special Law that states they have to wear an armband!
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11y ago

Many players wear arm sleeves because they do not want to get turf burn. Turf burns are more relevant on the older style of turf.

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13y ago

the armband has all of the plays that the players need to know on it.

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11y ago

they where the full arm bands so they don't get injured or hurt.

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After the downfall of the Nazis, when persecution of the Jews in Germany ceased. (Note capital letters)

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Liverpool striker Tony Hateley died recently

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not sure. I thnk it was that they were banned from wearing armbands and then the policy ended. Now they can.

Why were Italian football team wearing black armbands in todays game 28th June 2012?

to respect Syrian victims

How do you spell armbands?

You have spelled ARMBANDS correctly

What does MIP mean on armbands worn by woman in 1917?

In the context of 1917, MIP on armbands worn by women likely stands for "Made in Prison." During that time, women involved in the suffrage movement were often arrested and imprisoned for protesting and advocating for the right to vote. Wearing armbands with MIP indicated that they had been incarcerated for their cause.

On panfu where are the armbands?

the armbands in panfu is where the horse stables are there is a door in the far right and if you go in in the corner there are armbands.

In which episode of Ed Edd n Eddy does Edd wear floaties armbands?

In epispde "Hot Buttered Ed", Edd can be found wearing floatie armbands as well as an intertube while swimming. It can be viewed in Season 2, Episode 12a which aired December 6th, 1999.

Why were Italy football players wearing black armbands in todays match?

In memory of Roberto Rosato who died today; a former Italian national team player.

Why do Italian players wear black armbands during todays match?

1 italian soldier died in Afghanistan this week so there wearing a black arm band.