i dont consider them baggy. i consider them oversized. they are supposed to be this way for a few reasons. 1) guys who wear them while playing Basketball need shorts that are extra big and roomy for running up and down the court and shooting the ball 2) guys are supposed to wear shorts that fall off their butt (sagging) and expose their boxers 3) last, basketball shorts should only be worn by muscular guys, because guys who are muscular and wear oversized basketball shorts are so sexy
Dance shorts, a baggy t-shirt, and a snap-back hat with basketball shoes.
I can only imagine it follows the clothing trend that says baggy, ill-fitting clothes are stylish. It started as an urban trend, but if the basketball players knew they looked like men in gauchos, they might change the uniform.
Lacrosse shorts are very baggy and will stick to your legs when they get wet, they will also get heavy and fall off leaving you butt naked. So no, lacrosse shorts are not good in a pool
Get nerdy nerdy glasses add baggy long shorts haha
Well because you run alot so you get hot. There are also rules about no pockets on the shorts and that may have something to do with it im not sure
You can get these at the sporting goods stores. Please try going to either Dick's Sporting Goods or Academy to get these shorts.
Basketball shorts were very short and skin tight in the old days of basketball, around when the game was founded. However, since that time, shorts have progressively gotten longer and more baggier.
Black undershirt black basketball shorts black shorts black basketball shoes
Popular styles of biker shorts for cycling enthusiasts include bib shorts, padded shorts, compression shorts, and baggy shorts. These styles offer different features and benefits to enhance comfort and performance during cycling.
not really unless you mean baggy shorts and hat than no.
Usually a jersey some basketball shorts and basketball shoes