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Dry however... There are so many variables to deal with when talking about how the ball rolls. Usually dry grass will allow the ball to roll better but the length and type of grass can make a huge difference.

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12y ago

A soccer ball rolls farther on concrete than on grass, because even if you were to push it with the same amount of force, the friction, which the grass provides is a lot higher than the one of the concrete.

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11y ago

It depends on the type of ball. Nike T90's are the fastest ball for turf or grass. They probably cost around $20, $30, or maybe even $40 at the most. They will probably roll to about 40 yards or more from the touchdown line on a football field.

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Concrete due to grass causing more friction on the ball, in addition, the longer the grass, the slower the ball moves.

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The wetness will increase the friction, so the ball will roll slower and for a shorter distance.

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soccer ball

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Q: Why Does a soccer ball roll farther on concrete or on grass?
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Will a soccerball go farther in concrete or grass?

A soccer ball will typically travel farther on grass than on concrete. Grass provides a softer and more cushioned surface, allowing the ball to bounce and roll more easily compared to the harder and less forgiving surface of concrete.

What is the reason that you rolled the soccer ball farther than the basketball on the grass?

'cause it matters how much force you use and if the ball was meant for the terrain or concrete

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a soccer ball rolls farther on astro turfa ball may skim further on astro however i think that it should role further on solid ground, so on the street, also on grass and astro the speed of the ball changes due to the weather, if the ground is wet then the ball will skid more.

Does grass or concrete make a soccer ball bounce higher?

A soccer ball will typically bounce higher on concrete than on grass. Concrete provides a harder and more solid surface, allowing for a better rebound of the ball compared to the softer and more absorbent surface of grass.

Does a soccer ball roll farther on grass or dirt?

A soccer ball typically rolls farther on grass compared to dirt. Grass provides a smoother and more even surface for the ball to roll on, whereas dirt can create more friction and obstacles that impede the ball's movement.

Does a ball roll farther on grass concrete or sand?

A ball will typically roll farther on concrete than on grass or sand due to the smoother and more compact surface of concrete. Sand and grass surfaces can create more resistance and friction, causing the ball to slow down more quickly.

Does aball roll farther on grass dirt or concrete?

A ball will typically roll farther on concrete compared to grass or dirt. Concrete offers a smoother and more level surface with less resistance, allowing the ball to maintain its momentum better. Grass and dirt surfaces may have uneven terrain and more friction, reducing the distance the ball travels.

Which does a ball roll farther in grass or dirt?

Neither. The ball rolls faster on cement, not grass, or dirt.

Does a new or a old soccer ball go farther?

it doesn't matter. a band new soccer ball is as good as an old soccer ball. depending on how much air is in your soccer ball, you'll know how far it will go.

Why does a ball roll farther on dirt than grass?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

Why does a ball farther on grass than dirt?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

How do you make a inside of a soccer ball?

With concrete and wood