Carlos Martinez is number 44 on the St. Louis Cardinals.
Kenny Rowe is number 44 on the Arizona Cardinals.
Joe Dudgeon wore jersey number 44 for mancunian republic in 2010-2011.
Hank Aaron wore uniform number 5 during his first year with the Braves in 1954, and wore uniform number 44 the rest of his carrer, 1955 -1976.
Reggie Jackson
Barack Obama
Hank Aaron wore uniform number 5 his first year for the 1954 Milwaukee Braves, and "The hammer" wore number 44 for the rest of his career.
paul warfield
Hank aAron
Dan Conners wore number 45 when he played for the Miami Hurricanes.
Jake McQuaide is number 44 on the St. Louis Rams.