Past and present:
Ramzi Abid
Claire Alexander
Keith Allen
Ray Allison
Dave Amadio
Peter Andersson
Denis Arkhipov
Colby Armstrong
Chuck Arnason
Jason Arnott
Don Ashby
Steve Atkinson
Sean Avery
Don Awrey
John Baby
Nicklas Backstrom
Doug Barkley
Len Barrie
Eddy Beers
Danny Belisle
Curt Bennett
Brian Benning
Todd Bergen
Serge Bernier
Ken Berry
Blair Betts
Steve Black
Marc Boileau
Ivan Boldirev
Danny Bolduc
Hugh Bolton
Bruce Boudreau
Andre Boudrias
Wally Boyer
Brian Bradley
Lyle Bradley
Neil Brady
Rod Brind'Amour
Gord Brooks
Arnie Brown
Andrew Brunette
Sven Butenschon
Kyle Calder
Craig Cameron
Bob Carpenter
Eric Chouinard
Enrico Ciccone
Roland Cloutier
Pete Conacher
Tim Connolly
Bob Corkum
Mike Corrigan
Murray Costello
Alain Cote
Russ Courtnall
Terry Crisp
Barry Cullen
David Cullen
John Cullen
Barry Cummins
Jim Cummins
Randy Cunneyworth
Bob Cunningham
Mariusz Czerkawski
Mathieu Darche
Mal Davis Detroit
Ron Delorme
Ab DeMarco
Bill Derlago
Boyd Devereaux
Bob Dillabough
Rob DiMaio
Chris Dingman
Michel Dion
Gary Doak
Shane Doan
Kent Douglas
Kris Draper
John Druce
Steve Duchesne
Dale Dunbar
Iain Duncan
Craig Duncanson
Blake Dunlop
Denis Dupere
Radek Dvorak
Mike Dwyer
Karl Dykhuis
Bruce Eakin
Jeff Eatough
Gerry Ehman
Pat Elynuik
Nelson Emerson
Martin Erat
Roland Eriksson
Jeff Farkas
Rico Fata
Tom Fergus
Reggie Fleming
Bill Flett
Rick Foley
Bill Folk
Val Fonteyne
Lou Fontinato
Connie Forey
Ray Fortin
Jim Fox
Perry Ganchar
Danny Gare
Stan Gilbertson
Randy Gilhen
Raymond Giroux
Pete Goegan
Scott Gomez
Butch Goring
Bobby Gould
Bob Gryp
David Haas
Chris Hajt
Larry Hale
Bob Halkidis
Wayne Hall
Jean Hamel
Todd Harkins
Terry Harper
Ted Harris
Scott Hartnell
Steve Hazlett
Mark Heaslip
Earl Heiskala
Paul Henderson
Andy Hilbert
John Hilworth
Bert Hirschfeld
Gord Hollingworth
Brian Holzinger
Doug Horbul
Ken Houston
Steve Hrymnak
Greg Hubick
Dennis Hull
Tim Hunter
Gerry James
Lou Jankowski
Arto Javanainen
Rick Jodzio
Vern Kaiser
Ed Kea
Dmitri Khristich
Brian Kilrea
D.J. King
Kris King
Joe Klukay
Chuck Kobasew
Mike Korney
Eddie Kullman
Bill Kyle
Nick Kypreos
Gord Labossiere
Normand Lacombe
Randy Ladouceur
Pete Laframboise
Hec Lalande
Bobby Lalonde
Mike Lampman
Darren Langdon
Albert Langlois
Rich Lemieux
Trevor Letowski
Normand Leveille
Willy Lindstrom
Claude Loiselle
Andrei Lomakin
Jim Lorentz
Pentti Lund
Roman Lyashenko
Jack Lynch
Parker MacDonald
Paul MacKinnon
Rick MacLeish
John MacMillan
Al MacNeil
Ralph MacSweyn
Kevin Maguire
Dan Maloney
Kris Manery
Lou Marcon
John Markell
Mario Marois
Bert Marshall
Frank Martin
Steve Martins
Bill Masterton
Jamal Mayers
Eddie Mazur
Gary McAdam
Chris McAlpine
Dean McAmmond
John McCahill
Tom McCarthy
Andy McDonald
Shawn McEachern
Sean McKenna
Jim McKenzie
John McKenzie
Jackie McLeod
Dave McLlwain
Billy McNeill
Paul Meger
Scott Mellanby
Howie Menard
Wayne Merrick
Jason Miller
Norm Milley
Fredrik Modin
Doug Mohns
Carl Mokosak
Dominic Moore
Ethan Moreau
Joe Motzko
Jim Moxey
Brian Mullen
Wayne Muloin
Troy Murray
Markus Naslund
Petr Nedved
Bob Neely
Eric Nesterenko
Ray Neufeld
Bernie Nicholls
Graeme Nicolson
Jeff Nielsen
Ulf Nilsson
Jeff O'Neill
Chris O'Sullivan
Patrick O'Sullivan
Krzysztof Oliwa
Bert Olmstead
Mark Osborne
Rosaire Paiement
Doug Palazzari
Serge Payer
Michael Peca
Denis Pederson
Roger Pelletier
Harold Phillipoff
Alexandre Picard
Tuomas Pihlman
Gerry Plamondon
Don Poile
Larry Popein
Dave Poulin
Rich Preston
Jack Price
Wayne Primeau
Sean Pronger
Jean Pronovost
Nelson Pyatt
Branko Radivojevic
Rags Raglan
Paul Ranheim
Jean Ratelle
Marty Reasoner
Mikael Renberg
Brad Richards
Glen Richardson
Stephane Richer
Bill Riley
Byron Ritchie
Bob Rivard
Florent Robidoux
Larry Robinson
Mike Rogers
Len Ronson
Martin Rucinsky
Duane Rupp
Jason Ryznar
Joe Sakic
Barry Salovaara
Derek Sanderson
Jim Sandlak
Oleg Saprykin
Grant Sasser
Petr Schastlivy
Bobby Schmautz
Ron Sedlbauer
Steve Self
Anatoli Semenov
Brendan Shanahan
Doug Shelton
Gregg Sheppard
Brian Smith
Derek Smith
Floyd Smith
Greg Smith
Tom Songin
Jason Spezza
Frank Spring
Dollard St. Laurent
Fred Stanfield
Vic Stasiuk
Morris Stefaniw
Pete Stemkowski
Ron Stewart
Gord Strate
Art Stratton
Peter Sturgeon
Marco Sturm
Alexander Suglobov
Dean Talafous
Barry Tallackson
Dale Tallon
Tony Tanti
Brad Tapper
Billy Taylor
Jim Thomson
Joe Thornton
Alex Tidey
Morris Titanic
Jiri Tlusty
Jonathan Toews
Jerry Toppazzini
Zellio Toppazzini
Doug Trapp
Bryan Trottier
Rob Tudor
Perry Turnbull
Gene Ubriaco
Eric Vail
Rick Vaive
John Van Boxmeer
Ryan VandenBussche
Yvon Vautour
Stephane Veilleux
Vesa Viitakoski
Claude Vilgrain
Radim Vrbata
Vladimir Vujtek
Bob Wall
Joe Ward
Bryan Watson
Mike Watt
Stephen Weiss
Ryan Whitney
Jim Wiemer
Jim Wiley
Butch Williams
Johnny Wilson
Rick Wilson
Brendan Witt
Mike Wong
Randy Wood
Tyler Wright
Alexei Yashin
Tom Younghans
Paul Ysebaert
Steve Yzerman
Travis Zajac
Larry Zeidel
Doug Zmolek
Chat with our AI personalities
Joe Thornton
Joe Thornton wore 19 for Canada in the 2010 Olympics.
Robert Lee
He wore the number 19.
He wore No. 19.
Johnny Unitas wore it, and then they retired the number after he retired.
Click on the 'Yankees Numbers' link on this pages to learn who wore #18 and every other number throughout Yankee history.
Lionel Messi
Mike Schmidt, Bobby Smith, Dany Heatly, John McLean
Fabio wore jersey number 5 for mancunian republic in 2010-2011.
The current holder of number 32 is the goalie. Niklas Backstrom.