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Q: Who won yesterday KNICKS or Hawks?
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Which basketball team is better knicks or hawks?

the knicks of course

How many NBA championships have the knicks won?

The Knicks have won two NBA championships: 1970, 1973.

How many stanley cups have the New York Knicks won?

0. The Knicks play basketball.

How many championships has the knicks won?


Who won basketball game on January 3 2006 between New York Knicks and phoenix suns?

The Knicks and Suns played Monday January 2, 2006 at the Garden. The Knicks won in three overtimes, 140-133.

How many NBA finals have knicks won?


Did the Knicks ever win a championchip?

The Knicks won the NBA Finals in 1970 and 1973 both over the Lakers.

How many games had the Knicks won this season?

36 wins

What are the first two professional teams to play in basketball?

I think Toronto Huskies vs New York Knicks and Knicks won

What happen on the year 1960?

in '69, the mets won the world series and the knicks won the championship

How many times have the knicks been to the Championship?

The Knicks have won the NBA Championships twice in 1970 and in 1973. Those teams were led by point guard Walt Frazier and center Willis Reed, and coached by Red Holzman.

How many Championships have the Atlanta hawks won won?
