there was a consolation between two characters
Overall Michigan State has won 1,402 and University of Michigan 1,339.
The time difference between Lansing, Michigan (Eastern Time Zone) and Virginia Beach, Virginia (Eastern Time Zone) is zero hours. Both cities are in the same time zone.
Portage, Michigan is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) and Fayetteville, West Virginia is also in the Eastern Time Zone (ET). Therefore, there is no time difference between these two locations.
650 miles
Oh, dude, basketball and ring-ball are like distant cousins at a family reunion - they both involve throwing a ball into a hoop, so that's a start. They both require some level of hand-eye coordination, and, like, you can totally play them with friends for a good time. But hey, don't stress too much about it, it's not like they're twins separated at birth or anything.
The difference between them is a girls basketball is not as heavy as a boys basketball!
Wisconsin is between Minnesota and Michigan. However, there is a big ole Lake Michigan in between Michigan and Wisconsin.
The air distance from Richmond, Virginia, to Detroit, Michigan, is 444 miles. That equals 715 kilometers or 386 nautical miles.
From the info I was able to gather, it looks like a tie between Temple and PIttsburgh
The halfway point between Allegan, Michigan, and Myrtle Beach, SC, is just northwest of Charleston, WV.