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A Papillon named Ch. Loteki Supernatural Being.

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Q: Who won the Westminster dog champion in 1999?
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What type of dog won the Westminster championship?

Scottish Deerhound.

What is the name of the dog show Uno the beagle won?

The show is called Westminster.

Who won the womens wiimbledon title in 1999?

Lindsay Davenport was the womens champion in the year 1999

What breed of dog won the Westminster show in 1922?

Ch Boxwood Barkentine, an Airedale Terrier

How many Champion League Cups did Manchester United win?

Manchester United have won the champion league three times 1968, 1999 and 2008.

What is the most times the same breed of dog has won Westminster?

As of 2014, the Wire Fox Terrier has won 14 times, which is the most for any breed.

How many Jack Russells have won the AKC dog show?

Do you mean the Westminster Kennel Club show? If so, none have won Best In Show.

What dog won in the toy group of the akc in 2008?

At the Westminster dog show in 2008, a Toy Poodle named Ch. Smash Jp Win A Victory won first in the toy group.

Who was the first beagle to win best in show at the Westminster kennel club?

The Beagle that won the Westminster Dog Show is called "Uno", but his formal name is Ch K-Run's Park Me In First.

Has a Chihuahua ever won in a Westminster Kennel Club?

No, a Chihuahua has never won Best In Show at Westminster.

What breed of dog won the most best in show awards?

At the Westminster show in the US, Wire Fox Terriers have won the most Best In Show awards out of all the breeds.

What dog breed won the 2001 show?

The 2001 Best in show winner at the Westminster was a Bishon Frise. J.R. (Showtime Just Right) was the only Bishon to win Best in show at Westminster at that time.