The team which chooses the correct side of the coin. No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. It's just which ever team guesses the side that the coin lands on. That's pretty obvious!
The Packers won the coin toss.
The New Orleans Saints won the coin toss (it landed on "heads") in Super Bowl 44. It was the 13th straight time the NFC had won the Super Bowl coin flip!The New Orleans Saints.
Steelers linebacker James Farrior called the coin toss in Super Bowl XLV, he chose tails. The Packers won the toss and chose to kickoff.
Any coin toss is always a 50:50 percent chance. It is impossible to guess who will the toss.
The Green Bay Packers
alot of people that like coins
The coin toss has been used since the very first Super Bowl starting in 1967. Game officials did the coin toss for the first 11 games. After that honorary tossers began being appointed.