QB Clint Stoerner (2000-2002) and P John Warren (1983-1984) are the only two Cowboys that have worn #5 in the regular season.
In the 2009 training camp, rookie QB Rudy Carpenter has been given #5.
No one has worn No. 22 during the regular since 2002, Emmitt Smith's last season with the Dallas Cowboys.
Kicker Dan Bailey, a rookie from Oklahoma State, wears No. 5 for the 2011 Dallas Cowboys.
Dallas cowboys All professional football teams have the same number of players. they are only allowed a 53 man roster.
I'm assuming that all the Dallas Cowboy players live in the metroplex, so I'm sure they all stay home when playing at home. Actually the cowboys all stay at the Gaylord Texan before a game
There is no record of anyone by that name ever playing for the Cowboys; the 2008 official Dallas Cowboys media guide does not include him on the all-time roster. ---- There was an Anthony Dickerson that played linebacker for the Cowboys between 1980-1984.
Since 1960, they have only been known as the Dallas Cowboys.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are more like a dance group than traditional cheerleaders. But you can see them on the sidelines of all Dallas home games at Cowboys Stadium.
All of the players live in Dallas
definitely COWBOYS. STEELERS all the way.
The Minnesota Vikings have an all-time playoff record of 3-4 versus the Dallas Cowboys.
There is no record of anyone by that name ever playing for the Cowboys; the 2008 official Dallas Cowboys media guide does not include him on the all-time roster.
There is no record of anyone by that name ever playing for the Cowboys; the 2008 official Dallas Cowboys media guide does not include him on the all-time roster.
There is no record of anyone by that name ever playing for the Cowboys; the 2008 official Dallas Cowboys media guide does not include Don Delavan on the all-time roster.
The Dallas Cowboys